Another wonderful cold but steamy day at the gay spa

Hi guys, Sorry for the long wait for a new story/experience. I have not been to the gay sauna for a while, as after a little bike accident, my body (also around hip area) was covered with quite some bruising/skin damage marks... nothing broken, but the skin has to heal...and felt a bit uncomfortable to be walking around naked ;-)) In mean time, I have been hitting the gym big time, and it shows the difference. The bruising is getting much dared to go and explore a sauna again. This week i was travelling again, and visited one of my favorite saunas again. I arrived and it was not busy... there was a guy, i had fun a while ago with, who was cruising me, but i was not interested, as i had just arrived and still bit unsure. He luckily hooked up with a different guy...and I continued steaming and enjoying the jacuzzi. Well it stayed quiet for a long time and not busy, so i just enjoyed the wonderfull surroundings, and read some magazines and just rela...